Camcode Global Develops Method to Uniquely Identify UK MoD’s Glock G17 Pistol Inventory

For the first time in more than 40 years, the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (UK MoD) granted a new standard issue handgun for British forces. The Glock G17 9mm pistol replaced the Browning 9mm pistol, which was in service since 1967. The Glock was found to be lighter, faster, more accurate and had a larger magazine capacity than the Browning. For these reasons, it was important to get the pistols into the field quickly

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Camcode Global Helps UK MoD Identify and Track Equipment for Military Drawdown in Afghanistan

During combat missions in Afghanistan, the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence’s (UK MoD) main focus was providing warfighters and soldiers with weapons and equipment as quickly as possible. Now that the war in Afghanistan is ending and the drawdown begins, the UK MoD’s focus has shifted to more efficient logistics and equipment management. To improve efficiencies in military asset management and visibility, the UK MoD developed a Unique Identification (UID) policy to uniquely mark and

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Camcode Global Helps UK MoD Identify and Track Bowman C4I Tactical Communications Systems

The Bowman C4I tactical communications system is a critical element to the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence’s (UK MoD) Armed Forces success in combat operations. However, the management and visibility of military assets throughout the Armed Forces supply chain was difficult. To improve efficiencies in military asset management and visibility, the UK MoD developed a Unique Identification (UID) policy to uniquely mark and identify specific ranges of equipment within the defence inventory. Under the UID

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Netherlands Opens Doors to Unique Identification (UID)

When the Netherlands Ministry of Defence (MoD) committed to a $235 million implementation of a new SAP enterprise resource system in 2003, the pressure was on to take maximum advantage of the system’s efficiency-boosting benefits. Bearing the responsibility for successful SAP implementation was the 6,000-employee Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO), which manages such assets as small arms, controlled cryptographic items and medical equipment for the Netherlands’ air force, army, navy and military police. “There was a

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